The contemporary, thrilling and fast-paced crime series, Van Der Valk, centres on the investigations of a charismatic detective – a complex, thoughtful and ‘real’ sleuth who tackles tough crimes. Set in the lively and enigmatic city of Amsterdam, the series follows Van der Valk’s engaging, unapologetic and street-smart methods as he leads his dynamic team in solving murders using astute human observation and inspired detection.
Blinded is an exciting and credible financial thriller. Young financial journalist Bea Farkas is having a secret affair with bank director Peder Rooth, the type of man that it is her job to investigate. Bea is given the assignment to monitor the bank’s quarterly reports and, noticing discrepancies, starts asking Peder some tough questions, coming to the realization that you can’t mix business with pleasure. She realises that Peder is hiding something.