Nikolaos Foukas

Nikolaos Foukas

Product Development Manager, Cosmote TV OTE S.A.

CosmoteTV is the leading Pay TV service in Greece by OTE S.A providing to our customers exclusive content and in-house productions. Our Product team among several tasks and goals focuses on identifying new trends and features to optimize the user experience and engagement.

I am highly involved in the communication with the established SmartTV brands and Android TV vendors as to maintain and expand our supported device types providing flexibility to the end user.

Additionally involved on input data tools which help our business unit to decode the user performance and content paths to adapt our strategy in the right direction.

I’ve started my career in TV business almost 20 years ago, participating on the first DVB-T service launch in Greece by the Hellenic Broadcast Corporation, therefore I am sure that we will we have a fruitful networking at NEM.