Carolina Lorenzon

Carolina Lorenzon

Director International Affairs, Mediaset and Chair, ACT Board

Carolina Lorenzon is responsible for international affairs at Mediaset and heads its Liaison Office in Brussels. She defines policy goals with reference to Mediaset’s strategic planning and reports to the Group’s Executive Board. Prior to joining Mediaset, she worked at Benetton’s PR department in New York City and as assistant public affairs specialist at the World Bank’s Paris office. Carolina is at present Member of the Board at ACT (Association of Commercial Televisions in Europe) and at CRTV (Confindustria Radio TV, the Italian Association of public and private broadcasters). She graduated in Communication/International Affairs (Pepperdine University, Los Angeles) with a senior thesis on Low Earth Orbit satellites for the development of telecommunication infrastructure in Least Developed Countries, and holds a master’s degree in Economics and Global Policy (Università Cattolica, Milano).