NEM News


Local content production is an important topic that will be discussed at New Europe Market, which will be held in Dubrovnik from June 11-14 and which will once again bring together leading TV experts, managers and board members of TV companies, broadcasters from the entire region, as well as producers and other media professionals. For some critics and market followers, it seems that the ever-growing local production is winning new viewers and keeping old ones better than the other forms of production. Can local production on Pay TVs be the new benchmark and a sign of quality?

The panel entitled “How to make a great local production?” will gather renowned production experts for a discussion, which will be moderated by Ivana Miković, Deputy General Manager of the Radio Television of Serbia.

How does the entire process of production look like from the perspective of producers? What are they doing to keep viewers interested in their content? How to increase the quality of the content? This will be explained by Kim Moses, Executive Producer at Sander/Moses Productions, Lars Lundström, screenwriter and producer at Nice DramaNebojša Taraba, Creative Director at Drugi plan, Taliah Shahar, Head of International Operations at United Studios of Israel, and Paula Cohen McHarg, Senior Sales Manager for CEE, CIS, Africa, Middle East, Greece and Turkey at Keshet International.

“As the television business becomes more global, NEM is the best place for the industry to explore and tap into the burgeoning CEE region”, said Taliah Shahar, Head of International Operations at United Studios of Israel, adding that “in a time when the global TV platform is gaining momentum, the need for great local drama increases, as viewers still want to see their lives and unique experiences reflected on screen.”

Thoughts of the person behind the hit series Humans

Diverse content, interesting and innovative production, local topics… Can Pay TVs really increase their viewership with new, refreshed, and original local content?

An answer to this question will be given by Lars Lundström, one of the most famous and most esteemed Scandinavian producers and screenwriters, and the executive producer of the British series Humans, which is a remake of his Sci-Fi hit Real Humans. He is also known for his work on the series Tusenbröder and Wallander, and he revealed to us how to make a local drama production that will attract global attention:

I believe it is all about creating its own unique universe and not shying away from the very local aspects of it. All great storytelling is in fact local, even stories like Star Trek. I’m very happy and honoured to attend NEM’s panel on “How to make a great local production” at the ever so significant NEM’s conference.”

The opinion that local productions are always in a way closer to viewers than foreign ones is shared by Nebojša Taraba, Creative Director at the Drugi plan production company and the producer of Novine, a series that has just achieved – thanks to NEM 2016 – international success and global distribution.

“Already confirmed experiences of some big Pay TV systems, such as HBO, have shown that local original productions are generally better received and have more viewers than even the biggest global hit series such as Game of Thrones. A win-win situation for all involved is the one where a particular local content with a well-chosen topic attracts global interest.”

NEM you don’t want to miss!

At NEM 2018 professionals will have an opportunity to exchange business ideas, meet other people from the TV industry, absorb and share knowledge, as well as relax in one of the most beautiful Mediterranean locations – Dubrovnik. Create your account and find the best option for yourself on the conference’s official website: