NEM News


The second day of New Europe Market saw amazing discussions on new technologies and content revivals, a happy SpongeBob mingling with the attendees, a Hendricks Gin Cocktails filled happy hour and an exclusive announcement during the breathtaking party in the old town of Dubrovnik.

NEM 2016’s second day started with a delightful VIACOM Coffee Break, during which NEM’s visitors were able to mingle and take pictures with the real-sized SpongeBob Squarepants, who aroused loads of emotion on the NEM terrace.

During a day full of discussions on topics about new technologies and it’s challenges, Apostolos Triantafyllou, Senior Vice-President of Sales for DACH, CE Europe, Israel, Caucasus and Central Asia of Eutelsat, pointed out during the panel Is DTH Ready For OTT Challenge? that clients often compliment OTT, but today’s trend is mainly focused on better quality. Satellites have a prominent role here, mainly because clients don’t care how they are getting the content – and if they don’t care, then the traffic of content should be based in more reliable and quicker delivery ways. „We are ready to deliver OTT, and only we can do it“. The panel was followed by refreshing coffee break courtesy of Eutelsat.

Temma-X, the Slovenian production experts and NEM 2016 technical partners, hosted a happy hour with a little liquid help from Hendrick’s Gin refreshing cocktails, during which they introduced a virtual reality gadget made for everybody’s pocket.

The day was concluded in the old town, at the beautiful club Lazareti, where VICE not only hosted a party to remember, but also surprised the attendees with exclusive information for the region. Dimitra Kontogianni, Managing Director for VICE Serbia, exclusively announced VICE will soon expand to our region, and will be available in almost all the countries of the Balkan region.