NEM News


The sixth edition of NEM, an exclusive conference gathering the best media professionals in the region, has officially opened today. A welcome event by NBCUniversal, with a spectacular view and sunset on the roof terrace of the Dubrovnik Palace Hotel, was an introduction to the next four days of NEM in Dubrovnik. This year’s New Europe Market will be focused on the importance of content in the TV industry and local production, with numerous interesting speakers and top experts in their fields.

NEM 2018, being held from June 11-14, will offer lots of TV-related topics ranging from advertising, digitalization, piracy and local production to the exceptional viewership ratings of the series Skam and Success with accompanying screenings at the NEM Showroom.

NEM 2018 brings you…

The opening panel – “Pay TV: Keeping up with… the digital content game” – will be dealing with the future of TV channels in the face of the omnipresent digitalization. Advertising will be the topic of the panel “Advertising: When is it too much?” in which renowned experts from the industry will touch upon profit, audience, content and new tools in the world of advertising. The panel “Little bosses: children’s demands” will conclude the second day of NEM. With the football world cup just around the corner, the third day of NEM will start with the panel “Football: who’s keeping the price so high?”, whereas the second panel of the day – “Can local production make a difference?” – will try to solve the problem of viewership and high-quality content and programs. “How to make great local production?” is another panel dealing with local production, where you will have the chance to hear Lars Lundström, the producer of Humans, one of the most popular Scandinavian series. The last day of NEM will be dedicated to a rather tricky topic – “Fighting pirates in CEE region”. This panel will address various questions concerning online piracy: what sanctions need to be introduced to the market and what can we learn from other countries?

The second day of NEM will begin with a Deutsche Telekom case study „What does success look like? – 30 minutes around our CEE markets” by Anette Schaefer, Vice President of TV Business for Europe at Deutsche Telekom. Arash Pendari, CEO and founder of Vionlabs, will give a presentation on the development of artificial intelligence in the film and TV industry, and Håkon Moslet, the producer of Skam, will also give an interesting presentation about the global interest for this Norwegian teen series.
How has the 130-year-old National Geographic brand been modernized? This will be explained by Christian Brent, SVP of Global Research & Audience Strategy, Fox Networks Group.
The new television era will be discussed by Erik Yoon, TV Business Director, and Gyorgyo Takacs, Home Entertainment Technical Specialist, Central South Europe Subsidiary, LG. IBM’s presentation will outline how companies are replacing existing and often cumbersome content sharing techniques with Aspera’s high-speed content transfer products.

Check the complete agenda here, and don’t forget that all NEM-related news can be followed on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram i LinkedIn.