Miloš Tomić

Miloš Tomić

Manager of Section for Multimedia Content Contracting, Telekom Serbia

Miloš Tomić – born in 1984, married and proud father of Filip and Sofija.
Joined the team of the Multimedia Department in Telekom Srbija since 2008, deaply involved in the proces of negotiating deals, contracting, providing and launching of content for multimedia services distributed trough multimedia platforms of Telekom Srbija.
From 2016 Manager of Section for Multimedia Content Contracting in Telekom Srbija, activly participated in several different projects and in the processes of strategic content planning and content acquisition for multimedia platforms.
Graduated Communication Technologies on College of Applied Technical Science with the specialist work ” Building IPTV middleware platform, reliability and QoS” and Graduated Engineer of Information Technology on the Faculty of Applied Management, Economics and Finance.