NEM News


New Europe Market, conference dedicated to TV industry in CEE region and Europe in general, was opened yesterday with exclusive and highly expected Sunset Q&A with Bull actor Michael Weatherly. Weatherly discovered many things he has learned over the years about Balkans area and showed his great charm while answering on interesting questions Antonija Mandić asked him.

Q&A session started with – weddings. Weatherly told the audience that he has been on many Balkan weddings and he has noticed how Balkan people are chatty, happy and like to drink. Weatherly said that Balkan culture is different than the Western one. Although he has been married 10 years with Bojana, he hasn’t learned Serbian language, but he knows how to answer the phone when her parents call.

„I pretend I’m Bojana, and just say „Yes, yes, no, no…“ – People from Balkans sound like they are constantly arguing on the phone!“

Weatherly stressed out that he loves his family, which he brought to Dubrovnik. 5-year old Olivia even joined her father on Sunset Q&A, so NEM guests had the opportunity to take a peak into Weatherly’s private life.  Weatherly said that he googled his wife and has found her pictures from salsa classes, as well as her scientific articles from physics. He thinks that googling someone’s partner is something normal.

At the end of Sunset Q&A, Weatherly explained similarities and differences between two biggest role he has in his life: DiNozzo and Bull. He said that both characters are dealing with human behavior, but on different levels. Bull is complex show with a lot of people and characters and is much harder role which asks for a lot of time and preparation.

After beautiful Q&A, Pickbox made sure to welcome NEM guests with Welcome Drink party. During Pickbox party, Weatherly made sure to greet each and every guest on the rooftop, while politely chatting with everyone who approached him.

A press conference with Michael Weatherly will be held today at second day of NEM. Besides the press conference, NEM will talk about eSports, Free-To-Air channels and limits that operators meet while trying to have their own channels. All the news about this year’s New Europe Market can be found on the conference’s official website and on social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.