NEM Posts


Dubrovnik was famous for being an important trade hub on the Mediterranean, but the market NEM has to offer isn’t about selling and buying material assets, yet something much more valuable – contacts. In every kind of business it is of crucial need to actively and directly connect with people who belong to the same interest group as your business.

95% of people think that meeting in person is crucial for a long business relationship. At NEM’s market you have the opportunity to arrange meetings and make new business deals, meet people who you usually wouldn’t have the opportunity to meet. The market gathers relevant sellers and buyers and connects the industry on a different level. While being highly equipped we tend to provide everybody with the best conditions for conversations and presentations regarding their services, which resulted in more than 30 successfully closed deals.

Along with that, another convenient thing about taking part in NEM’s markets is definitely the Mediterranean climate which brings the whole atmosphere to a higher level. Reserve you spot at the market, prepare your business cards and start connecting and NEM – a market with a view.