Henning Tewes

Henning Tewes

CEO, RTL Croatia

Henning Tewes, born in 1972, holds a Masters in Political Science, History and Economics from Oxford University, a PhD from Birmingham University, and an MBA from Insead (France/Singapore). He joined RTL Group in 2005 and was Vice President Corporate Strategy before becoming part of the management team of Alpha TV in Greece, most recently as Programme Director. In July 2012, Henning Tewes became Managing Director of the Luxembourg-based, RTL Group-led news exchange Enex. Under his leadership, Enex grew its number of broadcasting partners from 29 to 42, transforming the company from a technical service provider into a global news provider active on all five continents. Prior to joining RTL Group, Henning Tewes worked for the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, a German NGO where he was Country Director for Poland and Belarus.