NEM News


The honor to open NEM 2016‘s networking parties fell in the hands of FOX Networks Group and they made sure not to fail anyone’s expectations. Being the host of the Welcome Drink Party, they put an effort to please everyone and help them relax before the offical program of NEM 2016 got started.

On the Welcome Drink Party, visitors had the opportunity to try out a special photo booth which teleported them into the world of Outcast, a new series which debuted on FOX TV. The bravest ones who decided that they want to take a photo with the protagonist of this series were given Outcast bags, badges and T-shirts as a reward for their courage given by FOX Networks Group.

FOX Networks Group also made sure that the guests tasted the best drinks that evening, so they prepared seven sorts of rakija, which is a famous Croatian spirit that helped everyone get warmed up. A special promotion of the high-quality Piper-Heidsieck Brut champagne thrilled the visitors and helped them connect with other people.

FOX Networks Group surely knows how to relax and impress NEM‘s visitors! You can check the atmosphere in the video we prepared for you.