Damir Hajduk

Damir Hajduk

Chairman, Agency for Electronic Media

Damir Hajduk was born in Zagreb (1967), where he graduated at the Faculty of Economics and Business. He started his professional career carrying out duties involved with the marketing of the information services of the Reuters Agency. In 1996 he was the Country Manager in Zagreb for the regional ERP software distributer Sun Systems and then took on the position of Sales Director of the Profil International Company. From 2000 to 2007 he was successfully involved in the project of developing the national cable TV network DCM (today: B.net Croatia), holding the position of Commercial Director.

After holding the position of the Deputy Director of Economic Affairs of the Croatian Radio Television (HRT) for a while, in 2009 he was appointed a Member of the Council for Electronic Media by the Croatian Parliament. In May 2011, he was elected Vice Chairman of EPRA (European Platform of Regulatory Authorities), a professional association of 52 independent electronic media regulatory authorities from 46 countries. In June 2014, he was re-elected to a five-year term and was appointed Vice President of the Council. On July 14 2017, the Croatian Parliament appointed him President of the Council for Electronic Media and Chairman of the Agency for Electronic Media. Damir currently chairs ERGA, the European Commission’s expert group on audiovisual media services.