Claire Harris

Claire Harris

Commercial Lead for Watch Business in the Emerging Markets group, Nielsen

Claire Harris is the Commercial Lead for Nielsen’s Watch business in the Emerging Markets group and for Ireland.

Claire has a wealth of experience in media research, having first joined Nielsen in Sydney in 1999 where she lead the team servicing the Metro TAM business for two years before returning to New Zealand where she was instrumental in winning the first joint industry TAM contract pitch. Claire was Managing Director of the NZ TAM business until 2012, when her role expanded to include the breadth of Nielsen’s business in New Zealand – including Consumer Media Insights, AdIntel, TAM, Radio, Readership, Online and a strong customised media solutions group. Claire relocated to Ireland in 2014, where she led the Watch business for two years before moving to her current position.

Prior to Nielsen, Claire worked for New Zealand’s largest broadcaster, Television New Zealand, where she led sales and programme research, and was responsible for pricing commercial airtime.

Claire is based in Dublin, Ireland.