THURSDAY | JUNE 15th, 2017 - 12:15 - 12:45

What are the ways and possibilities for producers from small markets and non-English-speaking areas for global placement of their products? What criteria does such content have to meet to turn from a local one into a globally acceptable one? Is the increasing number of distribution channels and platforms a big chance or a dangerous trap for content from small markets? How does one estimate the potential of a particular content for success on the global market? To what extent is the fact that certain content was originally produced in a “small language” an obstacle to its global success and are there any linguistic barriers at all? What is the cost for the distributor(s) of preparing such content for global distribution and how and when does such an investment become profitable? Is it better to sell ready-made or format globally? These questions and many others will be answered – from their respective perspectives and through the story of the successful global distribution of the Croatian drama series The Paper, which started at the last year's NEM – by Paula Cohen McHarg, Senior Sales Manager at Keshet International for CEE & CIS, Africa, Middle East, Greece and Turkey, and Nebojša Taraba, producer and co-owner of the production company Drugi plan.