Boštjan Kušnjerek

Boštjan Kušnjerek

Marketing Manager, Total Audience Measurement, AGB Nielsen

Boštjan is Marketing Director at the AGB Nielsen media research in Slovenia. He graduated in Economy at the Economic Faculty of Ljubljana and lives in Nova Gorica. He started to work in the TAM business in 2002. Since then, for the last 15 years he has been in close contact with all parties that coexist and collaborate in the television business in Slovenia. Advertisers, media agencies, media buyers and media sellers, small and big TV stations, all of them have an important role in TV market. He gains most of the knowledge interacting with all these players, from the newly come media planner in an advertising agency, to the CEO of the biggest TV companies. All of them contributed in the past 15 years to his wider knowledge of the television market in Slovenia. For him, the future now represents a big challenge for the TV business and he wants to be part of this challenge, a part of the world that is changing rapidly. And what’s best than the Slovenian TV environment, with its fast new technology adopting population in an even faster changing TV environment.