Antonio Arcidiacono

Antonio Arcidiacono

Director of Innovation & Member of Management Committee, Eutelsat

Antonio Arcidiacono is the Director of Innovation at Eutelsat. He is member of the Eutelsat Management Committee.

Graduated at Pisa University in 1985. He worked for SELENIA SPAZIO and TELESPAZIO in Rome and at the EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY (ESA) in Paris.

With EUTELSAT since 1990, he was responsible for the launch of the Eutelsat Digital TV offer, launching the first DVB platform in Europe in 1995. This development has brought today Eutelsat to the distribution of more than 6000 TV channels. In 1996, he became Eutelsat’s Head of Multimedia Services Unit.

Since 2008, as Director of Innovation, Antonio has been leading a team of highly qualified professionals. He recently drove the launch of the “SmartLNB” initiative to provide Connected TV and M2M services via satellite, as well as the “SmartBeam”, the satellite solution for IP-based multiscreen TV delivery to smartphones and tablets.

Founding member of the DVB project, he has been member of the DVB Steering Board since 1993. He was at the origin of the idea of convergence between DVB and IP services in the mid-‘90s and was Chairman of the group that defined the first DVB-IP standard.

He has published more than 100 papers and technical reviews at international conferences and holds several patents.