Alida Žorž Miketek

Alida Žorž Miketek

Managing Director, AGB Nielsen Audience Measurement Croatia

She has over twenty years of experience in advertising and media business as well as a broad experience in Adriatic media and the advertising market, especially in the area of electronic media (TV and radio). She has an excellent relationship with relevant advertisers and media buying agencies and handles recruiting, educating, and leading successful sales teams. She is an expert in media analysis and media sales strategies. In 2011 she published a guide about radio advertising entitled ‘Radio Infusion – Let the Radio Play’, for media planning communities in Croatia and Slovenia. Due to a degree in Psychometrics and continuous usage of media research, she joined Nielsen in 2013 as MD of Nielsen’s TAM business in Croatia. Since then, she has been working thoroughly on coaching skills and learning about current breakthrough therapeutic techniques such as Soulwork and Somatic Experience. Her specialties include: defining sales strategies and tactics, negotiating, and recruiting, coaching, and maintaining high performance of teams.