NEM News


Apart from networking possibilities, business negotiations and overall great time, NEM is beneficial when it comes to one more important thing– learning. New Europe Market is a media oriented conference and this year will cover various topics which are mostly connected to the ever-changing trends in television industry. Although tourists mostly come to Dubrovnik for its old city walls and evocative and historic old city center, this town in June transforms into a business hotspot. If you are by any means connected to the frenetic world of media, this is the place to be from June 12th – 15th.

These 6 key topics are to be discussed this year at NEM – don’t miss out!


Let’s talk about FTAs and their survival

Panel: Surviving it all: Things that FTAs can teach you, June 13th, 10:30 – 11:15

Speakers: Pete Smith, Matthias Settele, Petr Dvorak, Ivana Miković and Kazimir Bačić

With great speakers such as Pete Smith and Petr Dvorak we are going to find out whether the Free to Air channels are still popular among TV audience as they used to be. Since their main competitors these days are Pay TVs and SVODs, are FTAs holding some sort of secret to survival we don’t know, although their audiences have been significantly fragmented? On this dynamic panel we are going to find out if these times are worrying for FTAs and how are they coping with increased competition within the industry.


Could eSports pose a threat to traditional sports?

Panel: eSports: The next big thing, June 13th, 11:45 – 12:30

Speakers: Michiel Bakker, Johannes Neuschmid, Marcus Meyer, Tom Henderson

Television landscape is changing swiftly and eSports are just one among many new things to emerge. Thanks to technology, eSport is now moving fast on this road, and earnings are coming fast too. On panel about eSports speakers are going to discuss new challenges that eSports is bringing to traditional TV media.


Should telcos be banned from owning a TV channel?

Panel: Regulative Irregularities: Operators vs. Laws, June 13th, 15:45 – 16:30

Speakers: Nikola Francetić, Simon Slonjšak, Laima Zivatkauskaite, Mario Weber, Nataša Rapaić

In an everlasting battle for profits, telephone companies recently started offering multichannel television services and now present a threat to traditional providers of TV content. Why do some countries and their laws prohibit telecommunication companies from owning a TV channel? What are the experiences of telcos who have their own channels? If the consumers will be satisfied with the next-generation telco TV, is it ultimately a bad thing?


What does it really mean to put customers first?

Panel: Customers first, June 14th, 11:30 – 12:15

Speakers: Boris Trupčević, Guy Bisson, Carmen Alzner

Customer demands are growing and there is a constant pressure to keep up. Since companies started putting the consumer’s priorities before anything else, there is a constant need for new and innovative ideas. Because of the options they have, are consumers becoming more spoiled? Or are consumer-driven companies a product of our modern times, whereas making a genuine connection means healthy relationship on a relation company – customer?


How is decision-making changing?

Panel: Let me choose for you, June 14th, 15:15 – 16:00

Speakers: Sebastian Wernicke, Tony Gunnarsson, Ye Zhao, Richard John Brešković, Meelis Lukka

Companies today are facing huge amounts of data, which ultimately leads to more complex decision-making. Executives seek a perfect way to make a big decision and new technologies have opened up new insights when it comes to this. At this point, recommendation engines can be helpful in being fast, proactive and taking all risks into consideration. But also, can relying on big data and overanalyzing sometimes be harmful?


Watch out: new TV channels emerging

Panel: You can’t stop me: The Power of TV channels

Date: June 15th, 11:00 – 11:45

Speakers: Karin Heijink, Mike Moriarty, Bartosz Witak, Salim Mukaddam, John Rossiter

In a panel dedicated to TV channels, speakers will immerse themselves in a discussion about the emergence of new TV channels. While watching TV, people can choose between numerous channels of different types and every person can find something for themselves. There are plenty of TV channels, but is there more space for the new ones? Can new channels be competitive and innovative enough to replace the old ones?